How Can Seniors Over 70 Optimize Their Cognitive Health with Specific Types of Brain Training Games?

12 June 2024

As you age, many aspects of life change. Your physical strength may not be what it was in your 30s, and some cognitive functions such as memory and attention span may also start to decline. But ageing doesn't mean you have to sit back and accept these changes.

The truth is, there are ways to improve these cognitive functions and maintain your brain health, especially as you cross the age of 70. Notably, one way to help your brain stay sharp and healthy is brain training games. When it comes to brain health, games aren't just for fun, they're an essential part of training your brain to perform at its best.

The following sections will discuss how playing specific types of brain training games can optimize cognitive health in older adults, and how to incorporate them into your daily activities.

How Brain Training Games Boost Cognitive Health

There is a growing body of studies showing that brain training games can benefit older adults. They are not only fun to play, but they also provide cognitive training that can help improve memory, attention, and other cognitive skills.

But how exactly do these games help? When you play these games, you're essentially exercising your mind. Just as physical activities can improve your mobility and physical strength, cognitive activities like these games can enhance your mental agility.

In addition, brain training games can stimulate neuroplasticity - the brain's ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections. This is particularly important for adults over 70 as it helps to mitigate the effects of aging on the brain. By regularly engaging in these activities, you are reducing your risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

Choosing the Right Games for Brain Training

There are countless brain training games available, but not all of them will provide the same benefits. It's important to find games that challenge your brain in different ways.

For instance, memory games can help strengthen your ability to remember information, while puzzle games can improve problem-solving skills. Other games such as crosswords or Sudoku can help enhance language and numerical skills, respectively.

When choosing games, also consider their level of difficulty. The aim is to challenge your brain, so avoid games that are too easy. However, don't select games that are so difficult that they cause frustration. The key is to find games that are slightly above your comfort level to ensure you continue to learn and grow.

Incorporating Brain Training Games into Daily Activities

Making brain training games a part of your daily routine can significantly improve your cognitive health. But how do you incorporate them into your daily activities?

Firstly, you could set aside a specific time each day to play these games. This could be in the morning when your mind is fresh, or in the evening as a way to wind down.

Alternatively, you can play these games during your downtime, such as when you're waiting for an appointment or during a commercial break on television. By doing this, you're not only making the most of your time but also providing your brain with the stimulation it needs to stay healthy.

Encouraging Older Adults to Play Brain Training Games

Encouraging older adults to play brain training games can sometimes be a challenge. Some may feel that these games are frivolous or a waste of time. Others may feel intimidated by the technology involved, particularly if the games are online or require a smartphone or tablet.

One effective way to encourage older adults to play these games is to emphasize the benefits. Explain that these games aren't just for fun, but they're also a form of exercise for the brain.

Another approach is to make the games a social activity. Playing games with others can make the experience more enjoyable, and it can also provide additional cognitive benefits. For instance, playing a game that requires teamwork can improve communication skills, while competitive games can enhance strategic thinking.

The Impact of Brain Training Games on Dementia Risk

Research suggests that mental stimulation through brain training games can potentially reduce the risk of dementia in older adults. A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that older adults who regularly played brain training games had a 29% lower risk of dementia than those who didn't.

The hypothesis is that these games help build a cognitive reserve - an extra store of brain power that can compensate for age-related brain changes. By regularly engaging in mental exercises like brain training games, you're creating a buffer against cognitive decline.

In conclusion, brain training games offer a fun, engaging way for seniors over 70 to improve their cognitive health. Whether it's a memory game, a puzzle, or a competitive game with friends, these activities provide a much-needed workout for the brain. And with regular play, they can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults. So why not introduce some brain training games into your daily routine? Your brain will thank you.

The Connection Between Brain Training Games and Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is well known to have numerous health benefits, including boosting heart health, reducing blood pressure, and enhancing mental health. However, the potential link between physical activity and brain training games is not often discussed.

Engaging in physical activity has been associated with improved cognitive function among older adults. A study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that moderate-intensity exercise can slow down the effects of aging on the brain. This is of special significance to seniors over 70, who are at a higher risk of experiencing cognitive decline.

Evidence suggests that physical activity can stimulate the brain and improve cognitive abilities, which in turn can enhance the effectiveness of brain training games. For instance, a brisk walk or a session of aerobic exercise can boost brain health and prepare the mind for a round of stimulating cognition-based games.

Moreover, games that incorporate physical elements such as virtual reality fitness games, not only provide an entertaining way to exercise but also help improve memory and other cognitive functions. In this way, physical activity and brain training games can work hand in hand to optimize the cognitive health of older adults.

Brain Training Games and Their Role in Mental Health

While the primary aim of brain training games is to improve cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving, their impacts on mental health should not be overlooked.

Playing games can bring enjoyment and satisfaction, which in turn can enhance an individual's overall sense of well-being. This is particularly crucial for older adults, as maintaining positive mental health can help protect against conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

In fact, a study published in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found a link between frequent gaming and improved mental health in older adults. The researchers concluded that gaming could serve as a potential therapeutic tool for improving mental health, specifically for those at risk of cognitive impairment.

Moreover, as mentioned earlier, making these games a social activity can increase their mental health benefits. Playing with family or friends can foster social connections, reduce feelings of loneliness, and increase happiness, all of which contribute to better mental health.


In conclusion, brain training games are not just a leisure activity for seniors over 70. They are a vital tool that can bolster cognitive function, enhance mental health, and even reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. With a variety of games available, older adults can choose those that suit their preferences and challenge their brains in different ways. By integrating these games into their daily routine and combining them with regular physical activity, seniors can actively work towards maintaining their cognitive health and overall wellness. So, let's start playing games today and give our brains the workout they deserve. Your brain health is bound to thank you!